How to buy Ripple (XRP) — the skyrocketing cryptocoin

Ripple (XRP) is the new high performing cryptocurrency now with a total market capitalisation second only to Bitcoin.

How to buy Ripple (XRP) in Australia?

It’s easy to buy Ripple in Australia. Just sign up to the exchange, transfer your funds by bPay and start buying Ripple (XRP).

Is Coinbase going to sell Ripple?

There are rumours Coinbase — one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world — is about to start trading Ripple. If Coinbase does start supporting Ripple the value of XRP is expected to skyrocket. The value of Ripple has already doubled in recent days just on rumours that Coinbase will soon support Ripple.

List of cryptocurrency exchanges to buy, invest and sell bitcoins

Do you want to invest in bitcoins, litecoins, ripple and other cryptocurrencies? Do you need somewhere to buy and sell bitcoins? You need a reputable cryptocurrency exchange so here’s a  short list.


Coinbase is a well established and reputable cryptocurrency exchange. Suitable for Europeans and North Americans.

Not suitable for Australians (you can only buy not sell coins).


Localbitcoins is a cryptocurrency exchange with a local site suitable for most countries and languages, including the US, Germany, Australia or in Spanish.


BTC Markets is the best, easiest and safest solution to buy and sell bitcoins in Australia. Includes bPay and POLIpay (Australia Post) for you to deposit funds.